Carole King’s Tapestry had been to the teenage Jill what Dylan’s Highway 61 Revisited was to the mostly-male rock criterati. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record.Our canon-shaking challenge was motivated most deeply by the knowledge that women making music had changed our own lives. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. Let's make our own noise.Ĭopyright © 2017 NPR. I don't want to hear another civilized roar. Let's make our own noise, make our own noise. THOSE DARLINS: (Singing) I don't want to hear another civilized roar. At 28, her legacy is twofold - her impact on cervical cancer awareness and on the national music scene. LIMBONG: That makes Jessi Zazu's death especially poignant. KIMBERLY LEVINSON: We should not see this disease at all with the HPV vaccination that we now have, and yet women are still dying. She says that HPV-caused cervical cancer is preventable. She focuses on prevention and treatment of cervical cancer. Kimberly Levinson is an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins Hospital. LIMBONG: By then, it had stopped being a metaphor. I don't know if it worked or not, but that was the goal. Then I'm not going to be afraid either or whatever. But also by other people hearing me walk through my own fear would find some sort of solace in that and say, oh, well, she's not afraid of that. ZAZU: That way maybe I could, like, get myself out of the fear. LIMBONG: It was a metaphor about getting sober, about getting yourself together and facing the things that scare you. THOSE DARLINS: (Singing) There's a tumor growing on my body. She talked about writing a song years before being diagnosed called "Ain't Afraid." Before chemotherapy, she rounded up a bunch of friends and taped a hair-shaving party. LIMBONG: DuBois helped Zazu get medical care, and she wrote about Zazu for the alt-weekly Nashville Scene. A lot of them felt - sort of fell in love with her and took her very seriously. That same year, after trips to a number of doctors, Jessi Zazu was diagnosed with cervical cancer.ĭUBOIS: She kind of got discounted by certain health care professionals - not all. Starting in the 2000s, the band had heat from critics, fans and peers. She, along with the rest of Those Darlins, were deeply involved in the Southern Girls Rock Camp, a group that teaches and supports girls interested in music. LIMBONG: Jessi Zazu Wariner was born just outside of Nashville. (SOUNDBITE OF THOSE DARLINS SONG, "MYSTIC MIND") And people were unnerved by it, but they loved it. She would do this thing when she played "Mystic Mind" where during the bridge of the song, she would go out right in front of people in the audience, and she would stare right in their eyes. LIMBONG: That's Shelley DuBois, a friend of Jessi Zazu.ĭUBOIS: She was so good at playing the guitar. SHELLEY DUBOIS: Man, they raised so much hell for a really long time. LIMBONG: They lit up clubs and some bigger spaces all around the country. THOSE DARLINS: (Singing) I got on a plane 'cause I was going insane. And some were poppy, like "Screws Get Loose." NPR's Andrew Limbong has this appreciation.ĪNDREW LIMBONG, BYLINE: Some of Those Darlins songs were folksy. The Nashville-based band was known for a kind of music you're probably not going to hear at the Grand Ole Opry.